Watch Free Porn Girl Giving Blowjob in a Public Place, I mean in a Restaurant

Watch Free Porn Girl Giving Blowjob in a Public Place, I mean in a Restaurant

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I’m 19 years old now and I’ve always liked mature men. My height is 1.60 cm, I weigh 44 kilos, I am brunette, my hair is black and short, and my eye color is brown. At that time I was still going to high school and I was 16 years old. I didn’t know anything about sexuality until that day. But some of my girlfriends from school told me that they fucked in the ass and enjoyed it very much. Like every year, we go to the village for summer vacation. Our village is very beautiful, among the mountains, in the forest, with not many people. Not many people know about it because it is far from the main road. We spend our summer holidays in the village with my mother, father and younger brother. My father stays for about 20 days and returns to Ankara, then comes and goes once a week. Our house is just outside the village. We have one neighbor, Uncle Erol, the shepherd of our village. Uncle Erol is a very good man who is 32 years old and has never been married before. We are also on very good terms as a family. Every year I go to the mountains to graze the sheep with Uncle Erol. It would be great fun to spend time with sheep from morning to evening. This year, I went to Uncle Erol’s barn and started playing with the sheep. After a while, uncle Erol came and said, “Oh, welcome Özlem, how are you, are you okay girl?” He said and hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Welcome, uncle Erol, I’m fine, how are you?” I said. “I’m very good too, you’ve grown up since I’ve seen you, you’ve become a big young girl! Well, as you grow older, I realize that I am also getting older!” said. “Oh no, you haven’t changed at all!” I said. He thanked me and asked where my father was. “At home.” I said. “Let’s go to your father.” said. I said yes and we went. Uncle Erol, after chatting with my father for a while, said, “We talked too much, now let me go earn a living, what a shame, the animals were open, let me!” he said and stood up. And he said to me, “Come on, little shepherd, get up, you must have missed walking the sheep!” said. (Uncle Erol always calls me little shepherd). “Okay, uncle Erol, I’m going to change and come!” So I went to my room, put on my blue jeans and white shirt and came back. We went to graze the sheep with Uncle Erol. After walking the sheep for a while, we came to a fountain. The sheep were being watered. I sat next to Uncle Erol. Uncle Erol was constantly looking at me and laughing. “Uncle Erol, can I ask you something?” I said. “Of course, ask whatever you want, little shepherd!” said. “Why haven’t you gotten married until now?” I said. “You pierced my wound… Once upon a time, I loved a girl, Taşova escort, I asked for it, but they didn’t give it to me, so I settled here.” she said. “What if you married another girl?” I said. “Do you know what love is?” said. “No, I don’t know.” I said. “Fall in love so I can see you!” said. After chatting for a while, “Girl, how old were you?” said. “I am 16 years old!” I said. “Well, you must have started to upset the men around you, you will soon lose your heart to someone!” said. “No, uncle Erol…” I said. “What, no one offers you friendship?” said. I said, “No dear, but their minds are elsewhere.” “I don’t understand?” said. “Oh, they are all thinking about sex!” I said. “Oh no, I get it! Never mind, I think it should be done with the right person, in the right place and at the right time!” said. This time I said, “I don’t understand?” I said. “The right person: If you are going to have sex with someone before marriage, he is someone reliable who will not tell anyone and will keep everything between you a secret. The right place: the place where no one knows and can disturb you. The right time is enough time to live that moment to the fullest!” said. I didn’t speak out. After lingering for a while, it was evening and I came home. As I lay in bed at night, what Uncle Erol said, “Sex should be done with the right person, in the right place and at the right time,” came to my mind. He was right. Eventually I would have a relationship with someone. Why couldn’t that person be Uncle Erol? I think he should have been the right person. I made my decision, I was going to have my ass fucked by Uncle Erol. But how could it be, I couldn’t go to him and ask, “Will you have sex with me?” I had to provoke him without my family noticing. The day my father went to Ankara again, I woke up early in the morning, took a bath, put on my black panties and black bra, low-waist blue jeans and a gray t-shirt, went to Uncle Erol’s house… Uncle Erol was sitting under the tree in front of the house, “Come, little shepherd, “Sit down, what are you doing?” said. “I’m just wandering around, I’m bored. When are you going to graze the sheep?” I said. “I will leave soon.” said. “I will come too.

Watch HD Sex Videos Girl Giving Blowjob in a Public Place, I mean in a Restaurant

Is there anywhere I can swim around here? I said. “Of course there is!” said. “Shall we go there?” I said. Said OK. Anyway, after a while, we took the sheep out of the barn and walked around until we came to the edge of a stream. It was a very beautiful place. “No one will see me here, right?” I said. “No one will come here, swim in peace, I will look after you!” said. There was a place like a hut a little further up the stream. “Whose place is that?” I said. “That’s my place, I stay there sometimes.” said. “Okay, then let me go into the water and cool off.” I said. Uncle Erol turned around and started to walk away. I took off my t-shirt and pants and got into the water in my bra and panties. The water was truly amazing, waist deep. After a while, while I was in the water, I heard a crackling sound. I secretly looked at the bushes where the sound came from, I couldn’t see clearly, but I was sure that Uncle Erol was watching me. I was playing with water without losing my cool. I was taking all kinds of shapes in the water, bending, twisting and getting up. My goal was to drive him crazy. After a while, I got out of the water and put on my clothes without drying (there was no towel). My t-shirt and pants were soaked front and back. Uncle Erol came to the streamside whistling. When he saw me like that, he said, “You’ll be sick like this…” and took my hand and took me to his hut. Even though the furniture in his hut was a little simple, it had everything. He gave me a towel. I went to the other room, took off my shirt and trousers, and dried my body thoroughly with a towel. Then I gathered all my courage and went to Uncle Erol in my underwear and said, “I hung my clothes, they will dry soon.” I said and sat next to Uncle Erol… Uncle Erol didn’t make a sound, he just had his eyes wandering around my wet bra and panties. I saw that Uncle Erol was starting to get angry. I asked Uncle Erol, “This is the right place, the right time is now, would you be the right person?” I said. Uncle Erol, again without speaking, took my hand, pulled me to my feet and said, “Turn around!” said. I did what you said. He unclasped my bra and slowly took it off. Then he grabbed the sides of my panties with both hands, slowly pulled them down and took them off. I was naked in front of him, my back turned. He stood up, wrapped his hands around my waist, kissed my neck, kissed my back, then kissed my waist. It was slowly coming down and I was shaking with excitement. He knelt down, kissed and caressed my ass cheeks. He kissed my legs, then turned me around and made me sit on the sofa bed… He got between my legs and started caressing and kissing my breasts. He slowly went down and kissed my belly. He opened my legs with his hands and my pussy was in front of him in all its nakedness. Finally he started kissing my pussy. It was so beautiful that words are not enough to describe that pleasure. He kissed and licked my pussy for about 10-15 minutes. And it was the first time I was orgasmed by a man. After licking and swallowing even the juices flowing from my pussy, he stood up and undressed slowly. Only her panties remained. He made me kneel in front of him and asked, “Can you take off my panties?” said. I held the sides of his panties with my hands and pulled them down, and suddenly his dick jumped out of his panties. His cock was huge, I was a little scared, but I wasn’t going to give up. “Kiss it, lick it!” said. I held his dick with both hands and started licking it just like Tekirdağ escort said. After a few minutes, “Put it in your mouth!” she said. I was trying to take it into my mouth, but it was huge, only the tip could enter… He held my hair with his hands, pressed my head to his dick, and pulled it back. Now I wasn’t doing anything, he was moving my head back and forth with his hands. I was starting to feel dizzy with excitement and pleasure. Uncle Erol had accelerated even more. He let go of my head and pulled his cock out of my mouth and started masturbating. I was kneeling down and looking at his dick. He was masturbating so fast it was funny. Suddenly he grabbed my head with one hand and continued masturbating with the other hand, and then he ejaculated his sperm on my face.

Full Porn Videos Watch Girl Giving Blowjob in a Public Place, I mean in a Restaurant

My mouth and face were covered with sperm, their sperm was flowing from my chin to my breasts. Even though he had ejaculated, his dick looked like a stick. He stood me up, grabbed my shoulders, turned me around and said, “Bend over!” said. I bent down. He made me put my knees on the sofa bed and held me over the sofa bed with my hands. Pressing my waist, he said, “Make your waist like a bow, try to make your butt touch your waist!” said. I did what you said. Sperm was still flowing from my face, I wiped my face thoroughly on the cover of the sofa bed. “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” said. “Yes, I’m a virgin!” I said. “Don’t be afraid, I will not harm your virginity!” said. If he fucked my pussy at that moment, I wouldn’t resist, I completely surrendered to him. He spat a lot into my ass hole and put his index finger into my ass. After a while, he was inserting and removing his thumb. When my ass got used to it, he inserted two fingers at once. I was slowly starting to enjoy it… Then he stopped fingering my ass, held my waist with both hands and put his dick on my ass. He was slowly trying to insert it into my asshole, but it wouldn’t go in. He started inserting his fingers into my ass again, this time he was inserting three fingers. After fingering me for about 10 minutes, he grabbed my waist again and placed his dick in my asshole. He was pushing slowly. The tip had entered and it hurt a little, but I didn’t make a sound. He inserted it slowly, and when I said it hurt, he took it out a little bit and then inserted it again. After about 5 minutes, I felt his crotch on my ass, he entered my ass all the way. After waiting a minute or two, he would slowly take it out and then put it in again. I was starting to enjoy it thoroughly now. Their coming and going was getting faster. Then he grabbed my waist tightly and pulled me closer to himself and waited like that. “Oooohhhhh!” When he said that, I felt a warmth inside me, he had ejaculated. After waiting like that for a while, he took his dick out of my ass, made me stand up and kissed me on the lips. Then he sat on the sofa bed and opened his legs, his cock was tiny. He sat me on his lap and we continued kissing. He licked and kissed my neck and throat, then took my breasts into his mouth one by one and sucked them. Soon I felt his cock start to grow again underneath me. “Look, he hasn’t had enough yet, kiss him some more and let him get hard!” said. I got off his lap, knelt in front of him and started kissing his dick. It was growing as we kissed. After a few minutes it became huge. “Stand up!” he said, I got up. He closed his legs, lay down further, “Turn around, sit on him!” said. While I was sitting, he separated my ass cheeks with one hand, held his dick with the other and placed it in my ass hole, I sat down slowly until I took it all. He was on the bottom, I was on top, the huge dick was going in and out of my ass, all the way to the root. After going back and forth like that for 10-15 minutes, he ejaculated inside me once again… I got up and was about to get dressed, “No, not yet!” said. He made me sit naked, took out something to eat from the fridge, and we ate together. Then he took my hand and we went outside. We were stark naked. For some reason I was hesitant, “What if someone sees it?” I said. “Don’t be afraid, no one will come, this is where the dog dies!” said. We went down to the stream and got into the water, and he fucked my ass right there. We got out of the water and sat under the shade of a tree and rested. I ejaculated with my mouth one last time before going home. Uncle Erol had ejaculated 6 times in 4 hours. Of course, I had no strength left, and when I went home in the evening, I felt like I was going to die of exhaustion. We did this often during the summer holidays, but not as much as the first day. On other days we did it 2, sometimes 3 times. My friends were right, getting fucked in the ass is very enjoyable!

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